
Showing posts from July, 2013

The Pledge Allegiance

I pledge Allegiance to the flag.  What a great reminder for July and the things that we stand for and pledge to uphold in this country.  Lets keep that strong and always remember the things our four fathers did for us.  Stand Strong This plaque is 12 x 24 and has high quality vinyl and a glittered sliver star.   Contact us to order yours today for the July month. or on Facebook Sliverz

My Country Tis' of Thee

My Country Tis' of Thee Sweet Land of Liberty of Thee I Sing. I love this song for the July holidays and reminds me of the freedom that we have been given.   The plaque is about 12 x 10 and has high quality vinyl on it.   Contact us to order yours today. or Sliverz on Facebook.